Montag, 9. April 2012

Carolin's Geburtstag & Hunger Games!

Hunger Games sind endlich draußen und Carolin's Geburtstag muss gefeiert werden!!!! Was hier in den USA ein riesen Ding war, wo jeder schon wochenlang drauf gewartet hat, war in Deutschland glaub ich nicht so populär, aber ich kann mich auch täuschen. Wovon ich rede sind in deutsch die sogenannten Tribute von Palem.
Da dieser Film bei aller Liebe geschaut werden musste, nachdem das Buch total gut war, und auch noch Carolin's Geburtstag war, haben wir das alles ganz schön verbunden :)
Erst schön Essen gewesen, dann Film geschaut und den Tag schön ausklingen lassen und dann natürlich am nächsten Tag vergessen, dass eigentlich Ostern war haha.

Sonntag, 8. April 2012


Wohl eine der coolsten Städte, die ich je besucht habe!!!! Dieser 6 Tage Trip hat sich einfach bloß mehr als gelohnt :) Ob man denn Shoppen gehen will, bis in die Nacht im Nachtleben und dem Time Square verbringen will oder einfach nur im Central Park entspannen will - hier kann man einfach alles finden. Jaja, ich hab mich einfach verliebt :) ...und ich bin zu faul noch einmal alles, was ich gemacht habe in diesen Blog zu schreiben, da ich es schon hundert Personen erzählen musste und sogar einen Bericht darüber schreiben musste, damit ich meine Tage in der Schule entschuldigt bekomme. Deswegen werde ich euch diesen jetzt einfach zum lesen geben :)

New York City: Skyscraper National Park

My trip to New York started on a Saturday, March 31st. More than excited, I got up at 7 in the morning to head for the airport in Raleigh with my coordinator and another exchange student, from Denmark. We arrived in New York late because our flight had to go through Memphis first. The very first thing we did in our group of three adults, eleven other exchange students and three American teenagers, on day one was go to the Times Square at night. We stayed until every one of us was exhausted.
Day two began early with a tour of the Museum of Natural History and Art. Afterwards, our group went to Rockefeller Center to enjoy the so called “Top of the Rock.” With an awesome view over all of New York, this attraction made our day. Although it was just the first full day, as soon as our advisors told us we had freetime, we of course went shopping. Grand Central Station, which I actually knew about from all the movies that were set there, was the last thing we saw on day one. I thought it was pretty cool to walk down the famous stairs where usually every famous person in the movies walks down.
We went to see Ground Zero on Monday, our third day. It was overwhelming, a sense of mourning, fear, and respect was constantly in the air. I was kind of glad when we left this place to go on a sightseeing cruise, where I saw not only the Statue of Liberty but also the Manhattan Bridge. On Tuesday our group went to the Metropolitan Museum. I do not like old art that much but I enjoyed the modern art part of the museum a lot. After we were done, we split our group, so three other students and I decided to go to Little Italy and China town. My expectations were high. But instead of seeing something special, we saw dirty streets, crowded places and a lot of cheap stores that just wanted to sell as much as possible – but without success with our group. It made me feel sad and helpless. At night we all met up again to go out for dinner, and then later to the M&M’s factory and to the top of the Empire State Building. It was breathtaking.
On our last day everyone enjoyed having free time. So three girls and I went together to Central Park and relaxed in the beauty of the national park of skyscrapers that is New York. After we all got sunburned, we went back to meet up with everyone else to spend our last day togehter and go out for dinner at Junior’s, which is famous for what is probably the most fabulous cheesecake in all of New York. After we got back to our hotel we had to pack and say goodbye to each other. It was an awesome week with a lot of new people, and we did not look forward to our flight back to Raleigh the next morning.